
Posts Tagged ‘varsity’

On Tuesday August 9th, KIS held try-outs for 2011-2012 Varsity and Junior Varsity Volleyball teams in the Phoenix Gym. A total of thirty five students tried out to be on the team. Fifteen of them were students coming back, and twenty new comers.

In the beginning of try-outs Coach Day expressed his excitement for the volleyball try-outs.

“I’m really thrilled to see you girls try-out, we are not going to judge anyone so I hope you guys play volleyball while having fun.”

Students also expressed their enthusiasm and nervousness for the try-outs.

“It was really good to be back on the team” said Junior Hyuen Jin Jin, “I will look forward to the new season. No matter what team I get in, I will enjoy playing volleyball.”

Hyuen Jin, who was on the Junior Varsity team expressed how thrilled she to be back on the team. Next, a freshmen expressed her nervousness to be playing with the other grade.

“Tryouts were really fun, I learned a lot of new stuff from the Juniors and Seniors” said freshmen Tisha Kwon. “In middle school it was just playing games, but now we have positions and are able to try new skills which is interesting.”

The try-outs lasted for four days. Coach Day, Coach Suk, and Coach Wolfe tried their best to see the athletic talents from all these students. They also helped the student try out new positions and skills.

Each and every year, the number of students trying out for volleyball and other sports increases. The expansion of these students make it more difficult for the coaches to cut down the Varsity and Junior Varsity to only twelve students. So, the number of students in the team expand every year.

On the last day of Try-outs, the coaches gave the team two important expectations. First, to always have fun and have a positive attitude while playing volleyball. Second, to never miss practice. All the girls are expecting to have a great season.

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